Harnessing the bacteriophages to deal with canker infection of kiwi fruit: challenges and future perspective
Bacteriophages, Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa), lytic activity, phage therapy, environmental adaptationAbstract
The worldwide kiwifruit industry has suffered significant economic losses in recent decades as a result of the destructive bacterial plant disease Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa). Existing control approaches, which depend on the use of copper bactericides and antibiotics, are facing growing challenges due to the rise of resistance to antibiotics and ecological issues. Although biocontrol techniques show promise in laboratory settings, their efficacy in real-world field situations remains unclear. In order to tackle this issue, the emergence of a phage-based biocontrol method becomes a vital alternative, considering the precise targeting of bacteriophages (phages) towards the particular bacteria and their ecologically benign characteristics. This thorough assessment commences by delineating the repercussions of Psa-induced kiwifruit canker, underscoring the need for pioneering management strategies. The text explores the many types and strengths of Psa strains, and then shifts its attention to recent progress in the identification and description of Psa phages. The main topics discussed are the physical structure of phages, the spectrum of organisms they may infect, their ability to destroy bacterial cells, the study of their genetic material, and the process by which they break down bacterial cells. The review examines biocontrol tactics and their possible obstacles in kiwifruit orchards, specifically focusing on abiotic variables such as elevated temperature, UV irradiation and severe pH. The manuscript highlights the crucial importance of phages in efficiently controlling Psa infections, providing a sustainable and focused approach for safeguarding plants.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ali Raza, Musharaf Hassan, Sara Juniad, Aamir Riaz, Ali Khan, Zia Ur Rehman, Muhammad Saleem

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